Every donation makes a difference.
100% of your donations are being used to support the organization and its work
The Healthy Community Network is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization.
We rely on donations from businesses and individuals to implement initiatives that will benefit the community of Palmyra. Please consider joining our list of generous donors by making a one-time or re-occurring monthly donation to Healthy Community Network.
Please join our growing list of generous donors and donate today!
Individual Donors
Scott Anderson
Tess Anderson
Paula Anning
Antczak, Lori
Antoine, Autumn
Krista Beaudry
Amanda Beaugrand
Gerold and Sylvia Block
Debra Blohowiak
Becky Bolli
Marisa Brandenburg
Sarah Breunig
Jen Breyer
Norman and Sharon Bude
Noel Buggs
Dave Carpenter
Lynette Carpenter
Kelly Cooke
Alyssa Corey
Jeanne Cramsey
Lee Cushman
Kyle Damrow
Elizabeth Davis
Jacalyn Davis
Nancy Davis
Heather DeGrave
Kimberly Derr
Heidi Deuster
Wendi Dickson
Jodi Didenko
Joan Donnellan
Charlie DuBois
Connie Ebel
Michael Eddy
Rachel Elmore
Nora Even
Sue Fischer
Lindsey Gajewski
Ashley Garcia
Steve Gayton
Michael Ghiselli
Jennifer Gleaser
Nanette Gleason
Tim Goeben
Steve Greenquist
Thomas Griep
Gwen Griffin
Jeff and Cassie Gugin
Janice Gutkowski
Lisa Hackett
Rebecca Halstead
Glee Hansen
Elizabeth Hausser
Dwight and Beth Heaney
Rachel Hicks
Ann Holden
The Holt Family Foundation
Paul and Michelle Holt
Katie Hulse
Heidi Hyatt
Greg and Sandy Jankowski
Joanne Jensen
Pat Jones
Rosalie Jrolf
Katie Kalvaitis
Reyna Kessler
Jeff Kirby
Kathy Kiss
Mike Klinker
Meghan Koscak
Amy Krenke
Shannon Krumpos
Amanda Kutka
Mary Kutz
Gary and Sheryl LaBelle
Jessica Landess
Dan Laudon
Sara Le Brun-Blashka
Tara LeRoy
Dave Linton
Lisa Livieri
Yvette Loiselle
Denise Lovell
Jean Lyons
Sharon Mack
Allie Mayenschein
Kelly Marti
Pat Mater
Rick and Sharon Martin
Amber Marinez
Christine Mason
Pat Mater
Rebecca McKeever
Nicole McSwain
Kaycee Meracle
Scott Minton
Deb Morgan
Denise Munger
Matt Murphy
Shelby Nickels
Doug and Caitlyn O’Bryan
Lindsey Jo Oldenhoff
Carl Olson
Rayna Parrish
Sheri Peardon
Patti Peplinski
Dean Ploch
Mariah Ploch
Carolyn Plucinski
Jessy Pociask
Curt and Wendy Paulsen
Dan and Jean Poulson
James and Donna Powell
Michael Powell
Amanda Prange
Amber Price
Corinne Rabay
Cinder Raduechel
Judith Rahn
Cassie Renforth
Kathy Retzke
Amy Rheingans
Bridget Riemer
Jackie Rosa
Marisela Rosa
Sally Rosa
Paul and Mitzi Roscizewski
Mark Rushton
Steve P. Ryan
Wendy Sales
Amber Sandker
Alicia Sarenac
Dawn Sauter
Glen and Bonnie Schaefer
Jenna Schaefer
Keri Seager
Monique Skarpohl
Gerard Scherr
Kay Schmidt
Stacey Schmidt
Fischer Schneider
Lacey Schucht
Keri Seager
Tim Shaw
Emilie Shew
Ashley Sinkula
Alaina Smith
Sockrider Family
James Sontag
Meghan Sprager
Larry Stall
Dan Starr
Deb Steinbach
Hannah Steinbach
Jessie Steinbach
Annie Steinmetz
Anita Stocker
Sarah Szejn
Lindsey Taylor
Kari Timm
Duke Tischer
Robert Tischer
Whitney Tischer
Tom Torre
Sandy Troemel
John Troup
Lori Troyer
Dave Turner
Julie Turner
Julie Van Leirsburg
Virendra Verma
Blanca Villarreal
Angela Villela
Chealse Walsh
Lisa Wahlforth
Beau Walter
Jon and Traci Wiegert
Brandon Wilde
Connie Wilson
Luke Wohead
Sarah Wright
Lori Zarling
Trisha Zarling
Dave and Alyssa Zielke
Chris Zortman
Jerry Zortman
Ryan Zuege

Business Donors
A1 Creative Packaging
American Legion Thomas-Holcomb Post 304
Banco Insurance Agency
Circle K Campground
Cinder’s Sunshine Sewing and Creations
Connected Wellness Clinic
D&L Financial Investors
Eagle Dental
Eagle Elementary School
Edge of Town Cafe / T&D’s Grill
Heckel Tool and Mfg. Corp.
Heidi’s Hobbies Floral and Gifts
Fort HealthCare
Fort Real Estate
First Citizens State Bank-Palmyra
Gibson Family Funeral Homes
Graphicolor Printing
Jim and Judy’s Food Market
Kettle Moraine Days
Key Logo
Lee Engineering
MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions
Midwest Printing Services
Modern Woodmen of America
Nurse Practitioner Health Services, Palmyra
Old World Wisconsin Foundation
Palmyra Area Chamber of Commerce
Palmyra Community Foundation
Palmyra-Eagle Area School District
Palmyra Elementary School
Palmyra Fish and Game
Palmyra Flying Club
Palmyra Lions Club
Performance Running Outfitters
St. Mary’s Catholic Church (CCW)
Standard Process, Inc